The “Red Dahlia Bouquet” features an exquisite design consisting of 23 carefully crafted artificial flowers, providing a natural and realistic look with a touch of elegance. It is perfect for floral arrangements at weddings, baby showers, and home decorations, adding a warm and inviting atmosphere. The striking red color of the flowers adds a sense of luxury and celebration, making it the ideal choice to enhance your special occasions. These artificial flowers are easy to use and can be arranged in various ways to suit all tastes.
Boxed Packaging: The artificial flowers are carefully packed in boxes to prevent them from being crushed, ensuring they arrive in the best possible condition. If they are squeezed, you can adjust their shape as needed. Our boxes are made from high-quality kraft paper and measure 9.84 × 9.84 × 1.96 inches. Each flower and the entire box of flowers are carefully selected, making it a perfect gift for a friend as wedding decor, wedding cake decorations, or for use in DIY projects as a personal gift.
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